Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is this for REAL?

On Saturday night my friend Melanie asked if I wanted to g to the REAL Salt Lake soccer game. She had premium seats ($135) so I said what the heck. I actually had a really good time. The game was sweet, well the second half was. We scored six goals to their zero. It was fun. It was a bit cold, but the game was exciting. The stadium is beautiful.

There was one of those really loud and annoying fans behind us. We sat in the second row right behind the home bench. Anyhow they were yelling some really dumb things. For example at the other team "Thompson I hate you," "Go home" "Ref, that was a filthy call". I wanted to take a picture of the guy so I could blog about it. I just was really wondering if he really loves soccer and the REAL that much to hate a player on the other team. I just feel that hate is such a strong ugly word. Anyhow I got a picture of one of them. ( I since took it down, because I was tactless by putting it up). It was none the less entertaining. Thanks Mel for the seats, it was fun.

I also had the chance to take my two nieces to a movie on Saturday afternoon. It was raining so the park was out. We went to the dollar show and watched "Hotel for Dogs", Nicole enjoyed it, but Emma did not like it. She liked the fact that we got popcorn and red vines. She kept saying I don't like this show can we go home now. During the movie she had to go to the bathroom, and while we were in there for like ten minutes, she said some pretty funny things. I am sure that other patrons coming in to use the bathroom had a nice chuckle of all the things a three year old thinks to say while she is going to the bathroom. My favorite, "Don't you love being a princess Amy? I love being a princess." Yes Emma you are a princess!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spell Checker

My sister Lou asked me last night, "do you know that your blog has a spell checker?" I replied, "I guess I never really paid attention." I then proceeded to ask her what I spelled wrong? And then she started telling after the fourth word....I was like OK I get it. I guess I just keep waiting for my misspelled words to be underlined in green. My fault. I will admit and I will try to be better.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad (A day late)

So it was my dads birthday yesterday. He has been working out of town so I gave him a little call. I also told him since he never wants any birthday gifts, I bought myself a new laptop instead. He told me that was a good idea. Anyhow I wanted to let everyone know how awesome my father is. He is truely one of a kind. He is such a good example to me. He has taught me from day one to be a hard worker (even if that meant mud fights in the garden). He leads me by example (even if that means crying over hallmark movies). He used to kill my spiders, but know since I am a homeowner I have to do it myself. My dad is amazing. He can fix anything. He can open any bottle. He is a master chef. He is made out of steele. He treats my mom with the upmost respect and honor. I love you dad! Happy Birthday.

I would add a picture of us, but since this is a new computer I haven't added any yet. But my dad is very handsome even if he is over 60.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break

I just got back from a couple days in the beautiful city of Las Vegas. I went down to visit my sister, do a little shopping and relax from the awful week before. So here is a little travel log.

Our first stop was getting a lovely pedicure, one of lifes simple pleasures. And since its now spring I feel its finally time to put away the boots and break out the sandals, even if it does snow again. We then hit the first goodwill of the weekend. It was some what successful. One skirt, one shirt and some jewelry.

The next morning we hit one of my favorite places to eat for breakfast. It is called "Hash House A Go Go." The plates are huge and the food is super delicious. I decided to order my first "Hash". It was pretty much my very own skillet full of food. While I was eating I found a small piece of cardboard, I guess its because of the carton of mushrooms or something. Anyhow they comped my food. Great that was $13 more for shopping.

We then hit the big goodwill, lets see another skirt and pair of shorts later, we left. We hit a couple of other stores, also very successful. We then went over to Ezra's sisters for a barbeque.

The next day we hit a couple more stores, we found this $3.99 discount shoe store. It was floor to ceiling of shoes....1000 of pairs. But you know what I didn't buy one pair. They were all really cheaply made and not comfortable. I know I know....not a single pair.

For dinner we went to BJ's, famous for Chicago style pizza and Pizookies. It was so so so good. We then colored easter eggs. I don't care how old I am, coloring easter eggs is fun.

Today was Easter. Church was amazing, and once again I am so thankful for being a member of this church and for all the blessing I recieve. I am so thankful for the knowledge that I have and I wish I understand the atonement more fully. I keep learning and living and want to be a better person.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

Today my mother turned 58. Although I still think she looks like she is in her forties. She is still one beautiful woman. She is one of my best friends. She is one of my examples. She is a superhero. She is constantly sharing her love, support, sholder, and food with me. I love hearing her stories and never get tired of her love. I hope to be a mother like her some day. Thank you mom for all you do for me. I am one of your biggest fans. I love you!

We went out to my sisters in Tooele to have her birthday dinner. It was delicious! And the gluten free chocolate cake...that was seriously to die for. I love being around my family. They offer me so much love and support. My little niece Emma of course is hillarious. We took a walk today and I kept telling her that her shadow was chasing her, so she was trying to turn around to look at it while attempting to run in her new dora flip-flops. It was quite the site. Her little behind shaking in the sun.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Two negatives= one positive

I think thats true, at least I remember learning something like that in math. I had a really hard last week, someone that I truely love really really hurt me. It was tough. I even had to take a sick day, because I couldn't get out of bed. I am trying not to feel sorry for myself, but what do you do when it consumes all your thoughts?

However, I was extremely glad that it was General Conference. I love conference. I haven't always loved conference, but while I was in college I had an institute teacher tell us that if we pray about our concerns and write them down, they will be addressed and answered in conference. It happened to be a Saturday conference and my family and I were driving home from Idaho, where we just had a funeral for my dear sweet cousin. I was praying all week for some peace and comfort from his death. It was President Monson, his talk was titled something like "think to thank". I am not really sure exactly what he said, but I remember finally feeling some peace and comfort about my cousins death.

Ever since then, I make it a point to write down my concerns and pray that they will be addressed. I can give you countless times, when I have felt the lords tender mercies for me. The same was with this conference. It is like a couple of the talks were written just for me. Elder Hollands talk was quite powerful, he is such an amazing speaker. Some of his words brought chills to my arms. And once again, I felt the unconditional love of my savior. The only one who has expirenced all the emotional pain and anger that I have felt all week. I noticed that an overall theme was to be cheerful. So that is what I have decided to do. Sometimes being cheerful is just a front, but eventually I know I will be happy again.

A random blurb: You see I have this tiny tiny spider in my bathroom. It is just chilling on my ceiling. In fact it was there a couple of days ago, then it disapeared and now its back. (Hopefully its the same one) I used to freak out, and would make someone come and squish it. But for some reason I haven't yet...seriously maybe there is something wrong with me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tears of Joy?

I know its been a while. I honestly have been really busy and not the most happy person lately. My little sister got married on March 14th. She made such a beautiful bride. And being able to be in the temple with her and share in that moment...well it brought tears to my eyes. My family is a bunch of cry babies, and my little niece is having a hard time figuring out when we cry is it a good cry or a sad cry. So we always have to tell her. The wedding festivities were very successful. She had another wedding reception up here, which also proved to be very successful. I was sick as a dog that night and didn't have the best time, and I wasn't in the best mood either. So I am sorry to my family and friends that I haven't seen in such a long time.

My sister Lynsie was up here and then my mom decided to go back to Las Vegas with her. So I had this crazy idea. We purchased my mom a beautiful new comforter set last year for her birthday, and it has been sitting in her corner for almost a year. She didn't want to put it on until her room was painted. So I called up my sisters and my brother and told them that I am going to paint mom's room as a surprise. So we did just that, and when my mom came home tonight to see it...well you can imagine she cried. And yes they were tears of joy.

Unfortuntely I celebrated another birthday, and I cried. And no these were not tears of joy.

In fact I have been crying alot, its been a really tough week for me. I have all these emotions running through me and recently someone really hurt me and made me really angry. Angry enough to punch my wall. I decided that its okay to be angry for a bit, I believe I am justified. I am fighting with my inner soul because being angry is not very Christ like.

So I believe that all tears can be tears of joy, I just need to take a step back on look at them from a different prospective.